Gabi Nova

Radio Flow
Monitor for


The Gabi Nova is a versatile state-of-the-art radio flow monitor. A large range of detector probes allow the measurement of nearly every isotope, ensuring the Gabi Nova is ideally suited for radio flow measurements in nuclear medicine, SPECT or PET laboratories. Multiple flow cells for different volumes in conjunction with different probes enable the system to be configutred for all types of activities and energy ranges. The right combination will ensure best detection capabilities and the best signal to noise ratio for each application. 


The Gabi Nova has been developed to ensure a large versatility and the best possible integration into your radio-HPLC system. To optimise lab space we propose 3 different housings. The general housing is build to carry the entire lead castle and is placed directly under the lead shielding. Two other housings have been designed to incorporate the Gabi Nova housing directly into the Agilent or the Shimadzu HPLC tower


The type of activity, the amount of activity and the flow rate depend on your application and will set the physical limit of the measurement. To get the best possible performance for all type of activities and isotopes, it is mandatory to adjust the detector setup to your application. We have a complete line of new-generation probes, using different scintillator materials, well-established PMT tubes as well as totally new digital detection technologies. The right combination of detector, scintillator, cell volume and shielding allow the best detection for each application. With the Gabi Nova we have introduced the Elysia Communication Protocol (ECP)

Technical specifcations
