Siemens calibration source


and Uniform Filling.


Line Sources – Siemens

Ge-68 line sources are double layered tubes and made of high quality stainless steel. Each line source is sealed on its ends by the process of precise argon welding. Thanks to the argon welding process, the possibility of activity leakage is eliminated, ensuring safe use of line sources.

Source related information including product code, isotope type, activity, serial number and production date is permanently marked with laser for traceability.


Each line source is tested with 5 mm steps of scannings throughout its length for uniformity. The uniformity of the line sources is within +/- 5% limits.

GE-68 Cylindirical Phantom – Siemens

Ge-68 Cylindirical phantoms are used for 2D and 3D normalization and in test images of PET and PET-CT systems. Radioactive element is uniformly filled in the cylindrical cast. Each cylindrical phantom manufactured is checked with a PET-CT scanner to ensure high quality.

The results of quality control image files are available upon request.