Pen Point

NIST Traceable
Calibration &
Versatile, Durable.


ERS rod sources and Pen Point Markers are calibrated by direct comparison of standardized solutions traceable to the National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in an identical geometry, using a pressurized ion chamber with ±5% accuracy.

ERS rod sources can be supplied in set or invidually in accordance with customer request

Rod Source dimensions are
12.7mm x 127mm (0.5” x 5”)
12.7mm x 74.9mm (0.5” x 2.95”).

ERS offers a wide range of rod sources that are used for calibrating well counters and thyroid uptake systems. Rod sources are constructed of acrylic material and have a flat base which allows easy positioning in the vertical position required for consistent accuracy of the calibration process.


Pen point markers